Governance, Risk & Compliance

Governance, Risk & Compliance


At BDO we work under the GRC concept to formulate a proven strategy based on the protection of value and enrichment of business decisions.

We apply a consistent methodology that achieves the alignment of the three elements of GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance).



(Corporate or Corporate Governance): We help in the implementation of principles and standards that regulate the design, integration and operation of the organization's governing bodies, to harmonize the relationship between the Shareholders, the Board of Directors and Senior Management, with the rest stakeholders. We take care of all the aspects that our clients want or must implement (CNV legislation - Corporate Governance Code, SEC - Sarbanes-Oxley Act - and, in general, good practices at an international level).


2. RISK (Risk Management)

We apply the best practices and techniques for adequate risk management, based on the identification, analysis, assessment and decision-making. We deal with all types of risks (at the entity, process and project level), and for all areas of the organization. We help in the proper implementation and improvement of the INTERNAL CONTROL system to mitigate the relevant risks. On the other hand, we ensure the implementation of an effective INTERNAL AUDIT function that takes the role of "control of controls" identifying and reporting its significant findings.




It is related to the adherence of business actions to the rules that allow compliance with external laws and regulations, voluntary commitments, the code of ethics and / or conduct, internal policies and, in general, the observance of business ethics. and guidelines for appropriate behavior.

G, R and C are effective levers to help organizations achieve their strategic objectives and they depend on the involvement of all levels of an organization from managerial to operational.


GRC Culture

The code of ethics and / or conduct, policies, rules and procedures detail "how" we want to act, while culture determines what actually happens in reality.

The adoption of integrated actions on GRC is given by the tone of the superiors ("tone at the top"), prioritizing compliance with these behavior guidelines, the law, and the care of corporate reputation, prioritizing its sustainability over short-term earnings.

In moments of deep crisis, pressures increase and therefore irregularities and fraud.

Luis M. Romero

Luis M. Romero

Governance, Risk & Compliance Partner.
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