Due to the changing needs, innovation, and digital transformation of companies, the importance of compliance and business assurance in terms of information and technology applied to different processes is deepened.
At BDO, we have an innovation desk where we conduct an analysis of available technologies to apply them in services that allow our clients the possibility to outsource their management processes, supported by technology that facilitates interaction between different parties involved and the ability to access these services globally.
- PERPETUAL DEFENSE | Comprehensive managed cybersecurity solution based on Microsoft security tools combined with BDO Digital's managed security services.
- DIGITAL CISO | Outsourcing of information security and cybersecurity management
- CIBERKNOW | Outsourcing of awareness program management
- Cybersecurity as a Service (SIEM) | Outsourcing of event monitoring and analysis management
- GOVERNOR IT | Automation of controls for technology governance
- @LIBRARY | Outsourcing in document management and formalization of processes